Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Detect?

The mystery adventures of goths Bob Skeleton and Macabre de Coiffure (As played by Noel Fielding and Russell Brand). When the theme tune starts they run out of their coffins... weeelll not run, more like saunter. Goths don't run.

"The goth detectives can get the job done in 48 hours!"
"We could get it done quicker, if we weren't so bloody miserable!"

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Detect - meme gif

Detect meme gif

Detect - video


Detect - what is it?

Junior grimes, or atleast what people refer to you as if you take illegal measures and unconventional means to accomplish a task such as cracking a case on infidelity or murder, it’s a reference the well known private detective known as β€œgumshoe grimes” what the papers call junior grimes as he stuck to people when working cases.

someone who follows others and gather information on order to solve a case or situation which demands the investigators (junior) help is what a PI pretty much is...

Junior grimes however, takes this a STEP FURTHER though even that’s a major understatement. young and full of anger, he’s not exactly the calmest of detectives and uses what ever means necessary to solve the task even if it means sacrificing his own chance at a happy life and those around him for there’s no rest for grimes as the world needs him when any case goes unsolved.

Junior grimes aka β€œJune wick” or β€œdarnell grimes”

Private investigator give itself a good name when junior grimes matches with it.

Figure out what that means

β€œthere’s no one that solves crimes like grimes”


Woman 1: omg my sisters missing

Woman 2: wait I know who to call

Woman 1: you do?

Junior grimes: what seems to be the problem?

Woman 1: it’s my sister!

Junior grimes: not to worry, for no one better to call then mr grimes!

Woman 2: see? I told you, he’s the best

Woman 1: wow


Junior grimes is the greatest private detective OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!

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What does "Detect" mean?

Mason Tibits

detective: (noun) uuuummmmm I believe that you are not suposed to be on your cellular device .
a gay little bitch snitch hoe slut cum sack poon.a little snitch.

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Detect - what does it mean?

A creeper who walks or rides his bike around town, writing down various crimes other teenagers are doing and reporting them to the police.

Detective Tommy Sutherland was creeping around again.

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Detect - meaning

adj. The state of being detected; to be detected.
v. Past tense/participle of detect.

Threat has been detected.
The thief has been detected by the security camera.

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Detect - definition

Verb. To find, and then tell the details of a pick-up strategy that someone posted on an online public forum to, its intended target.

Possibly originated on the "misc" bulletin board of the bodybuilding forum.

"Man bruh I totally made a thread about whether to pick up this chick who I saw at the gym watching me work my gluts and I all got a message from her talking about that thread! I got detectived! You detectives detectived me! Weak bruh."

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Detect - slang

The person or persons who asks too many questions, wanting to know too much detail, especially when the detail is not necessarily essential to the conversation.

Friend: Hey Fundo, wanna hang out with me and a couple of chicks tonight?
Fundo: I can't. I got a hot date tonight.
Friend: What's her name?
Fundo: Lacy.
Friend: Where you taking her?
Fundo: Damn, man. Who are you? The fuckin' detective?!

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A police officer who has surpassed his counterparts and has a God given gift to do police work. One who drags demons out into the light. There is a reason their badges are gold and not silver, it's called cunning, slick, smart, dedicated, hard working, inquisitive, tactful, clever, cream of the crop and intimidating, just a few adjectives that describe Detectives. A Detective is a high caliber police officer assigned to investigate all crimes including major crimes, they are "go to" guys who figure things out and solve problems. Men of Gold

"It wasn't a regular cop that called me it was a Detective!"

"This is serious, Call the detectives"

"The Detective solved the crime"

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A devilishly handsome individual who investigates and ruthlessly abolishes mysteries of all kinds.

Are you wondering how I traced your plastic bouncy ball thievery to the Burlington sewer under the bakery, the bakery containing your cousin's meth lab where he singlehandedly produces all desoxyephedrine sold to the state of Vermont, in which a law was passed that specifically outlaws the robbery and transport of plastic bouncy objects and that you are currently in violation of? It is because I am a Detective. You shall be fined fifteen dollars.

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Why the hell am I the first one to define this word?

You have detected first result for detect.

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