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What is Den Ham?

A small town in Twente in The Netherlands. Also called "Goddelozen 'N Ham", which means "Godless Den Ham" . It was named that way because many smugglers and lowlifes passed through and lived in Den Ham centuries ago.

Today Den Ham has three churches, which is sufficient for the 6000 inhabitants. So you could almost say that Den Ham is Godly nowadays, but our heritage is celebrated still every weekend in the pubs that outnumber the churches.

Henk: Woar รจns in Den Ham goaj vanoamd hen zoepm dan Gajt? (Where are you going to drink beer tonight?)
Gajt: Och, dat maakt mie niet uut jah, da week morn toch niks meer van. (Oh, i dont care, tommorow i wont remember it anyway)

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Den Ham - video
