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What is Dark Garland?

Aura of badass around Attorney General Merrick Garland after DOJ raided Donny Trump's Florida shithole

Clyde was watching news break about DOJ's raid on MarALago, and he couldn't believe his eyes. "holy fuck I kept saying Merrick was doing nothing but now agents are swarming The Former Guy's criming HQ? that's some Dark Garland shit right there!!"

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Dark Garland - video


Dark Garland - what is it?

Attorney General Merrick Garland’s alter ego

One day after transnational mobster and criminal The Former Guy demanded DOJ release the warrant to search his Florida shithole, Dark Garland stepped to the podium and said β€œI’ve authorized release of the warrant so America can see how royally fucked you are. your move, traitor”

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