Definder - what does the word mean?

What is DanTheMan?

he has a massive fucking cock and is a rizzler

dantheman is so fucking hot

👍27 👎11

DanTheMan - video


DanTheMan - what is it?

THIS MAN IS A LEGEND. he is a gamer, a coolboy, and all the ladies like him. (dont look at my user.)

DanTheMan is epic gaming.

👍25 👎11

What does "DanTheMan" mean?

Dan is a narcissistic 20 year old from Texas, he loves talking about himself while putting others down, calling them "failures" its his favorite word, he was bullied in madden mobile and took the beatings quietly, he's gluten free, loves pyramid building, and supporting his terrible sports teams, he's a fan of about 15 teams all together, and none has won a title. He thinks his shit doesn't stink in reality he's an Introvert who gets hard on talking down to ppl on discord.

I pulled a DanTheMan today! I got jumped and took my beatings quietly

👍25 👎11