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What is DX-397?

The RadioShack DX-397 is based off the SG-344 shortwave and AM/FM radio. It pretty much owns any other analog radio out there.


"MW": 0.530 to 1.710 MHz
"SW1": 4.390 to 5.180 MHz
"SW2": 5.720 to 6.330 MHz
"SW3": 7.000 to 8.050 MHz
"SW4": 9.200 to 10.020 MHz
"SW5": 11.350 to 12.250 MHz
"SW6": 13.250 to 14.290 MHz
"SW7": 15.000 to 16.050 MHz
"SW8": 17.300 to 18.180 MHz
"SW9": 18.700 to 19.250 MHz
"SW10":21.200 to 22.300 MHz
"FM" (yes it gets FM)
88.0 to 108.0 MHz

DX-397 ownage!

👍127 👎67

DX-397 - meme gif

DX-397 meme gif

DX-397 - video
