Definder - what does the word mean?

What is DTSS?

DTSS Acronym for: down to suck shecock

john's dating profile says DTSS

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DTSS - video


DTSS - what is it?

Down To Suck and Swallow.
(In reference to a blow job.)

Guy: "SMD"
Girl: "I'm always DTSS ;)"

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What does "DTSS" mean?

Short for the DriveThrough sim series a car racing series on NR2003. A YouTube named Drivethrough holds the races while joined by other to commentate. In this series the craziest can happen from flips to weird black flag penalties and sometimes no one has a clue what’s happening. Has a Pace Van that comes out under cautions and supposedly takes kids.

β€œHey man did you see the DTSS race yesterday? It was crazy!”

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