Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Cyberpimp?

One who aspires to be a pimp, but can never be the real thing. He/she are frequently seen online at chat rooms/forums/personal ads/dating sites boasting how cool/"da bomb"/pimp-ish-alish they are. They are really a cybergeek or geekette and whould never qualify for true pimp-dom. They give the proper "pimp" a bad name

"Check out my screen name, YO...."pimpN8EZ"........"I been hittin da skinz all over the net, YO"....."These cyber bitches are easier than a fi dolla ho"

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Cyberpimp - video


Cyberpimp - what is it?

A man who is able to make women wet through instant messaging. It is actually the evolution of pimping - not being bound by locality or a maximum number of concurrent ladies to pimp (the ability to cybersex multiple women at the same time). Unlike the wannabes (see: geek, nerd), a cyberpimp is often able to achieve physical intercourse with members of his digital harem.

Cruk'D - "what up sun"

Mplicit - "chillin bro, got this new bird in my digital harem, feelin it"

Cruk'D - "nice... cyberpimp that ass"

👍43 👎31