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What is Cross Fire?

Or CrossFire.
Cross Fire is a "Free to play" FPS game that used to belong to SubaGames, now it's part of Z8game's portal along with Metin2.

This game has a lot of potential to be fun, but after G4Box split from Wicked Interactive (Which owns Suba, G4 just signs a partnership with them), the game is now utter bullshit. Sure the admins and mods are the same, but ever since the split, the game is officially pay to win, thus answers why I quoted "Free to play". The community sucks as well, trolls and flamers run about not to mention they fap to anything female no matter how ugly they look. The forums used to be fun back at Suba where they sit back and just try to have fun (I lurk but hardly post). The number of trolls/flamers on the new site "Z8games" reflect how badly Cross Fire is now. Kids fap to these female characters known as "SPOP".

TL;DR - This game used to be fun, now it sucks and so is their community. It's also pay to win where you pay $20 a month just to get body armour and guns that always find ways to get your head, which all lasts for 30 days. So keep the money rolling!

Guy 1: I'm going to play some Cross Fire.
Guy 2: WTF dude? Why not try Combat Arms? They promise to keep their NX cash only to buy cosmetic stuff such as new character models and Elite Moderator, never shall they release "Body armor" or any magical guns that kills people.
Guy 3: Yeah, in Cross Fire you buy your skills as for Combat Arms you have to earn it. Cross Fire is the only game I know where you buy armour, every other games it comes with it.
Guy 4: I play Soldier Front though.
Guy 2: Soldier Front is good, just hackers once every while.

👍151 👎65

Cross Fire - video
