Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Connagh?

When you shit and piss in a girls vagina and ass in a threesome

Guy:hey dude wanna do a dirty connagh with me and my girl tomorrow

Friend:yeah sure dude I would love to

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Connagh - meme gif

Connagh meme gif

Connagh - video


Connagh - what is it?

Connagh is a very good looker and usually is extremely funny and really good at sports

Drew: look theres connagh the best guy on the earth

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What does "Connagh" mean?

Connor, in Scottish or Irish or something. Idk but it's hard to live with man because I have to full on spell it out like every time someone wants to add me on facebook.

Alright guy to be fair.

Ryan: "naaaah not Connor. Connagh! - Connagh with the raps!"

Connagh: "Yeah I know! It's me you nincompoop!"

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