Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Chicoine's?

Bloodline filled with depressed, crazy people. (And. 5% black) (Can also be pronounced "Shit-coin")

The Chicoine's are crazy bro

👍27 👎15

Chicoine's - meme gif

Chicoine's meme gif

Chicoine's - video


Chicoine's - what is it?

The Chicoine is a rare species that is a french distant relative to Smaug the Desolate. While both have hoards of gold and enjoy sleeping cozily inside their wealth mountain, the chicoine summons massive groups of mindless followers to attend promotions to bring the wealth back to the den.

"Why are so many people trading that one person?"

"Idk, must be a chicoine."

👍25 👎11