Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Chaining?

Following related links on websites like Wikipedia or YouTube after you look something up until you end up on something completely unrelated to what you were initially looking for.

As a verb: to chain

"I went to look up the Columbia shuttle disaster but after an hour of chaining I somehow ended up on Elizabeth Bathory."

John: Did you get that report done?
Steve: Nope, I wasted the whole night chaining on Wikipedia.

👍99 👎43

Chaining - meme gif

Chaining meme gif

Chaining - video


Chaining - what is it?

a unit of currency equivalent to ten racks or $60,000 USD

Yo that bot spent three chains on his new whip and crashed it as soon as he backed it out. God damn.

👍53 👎17

What does "Chaining" mean?

To be doing something because you don't have any other choice, or because you are too meek and let someone else make choices for you.

Bob is chained to terrible soap operas every night because his wife always insists they watch them.

Pat is chained to working long hours because he doesn't have the guts to quit his job and get a better one.

👍61 👎21

Chaining - what does it mean?

A rapper's source of power. The sunlight to his birdman. Without a chain of platinum/gold/diamonds/bones, a rapper sloses his ability to drop tight flows over phat beats. The is an absolute necessity, and its importance should not be taken lightly.

Ludacris once said, "Some people ask why there's a skull on my chain, it's 'cause I LOVE gettin' head."

👍435 👎213

Chaining - meaning

Modern definition: Bling worn around the neck, often made of gold, silver, or platinum. Featured in a Jibbs song.

Traditional definition: Metal links that are locked together to make a strong and flexible line. Chains are typically used for anchors and other places where high loads may be exerted on the line, particularly in large vessels.

"Do your chain hang low
do it wobble to da flo
do it shine in n the light
is it platinum is it gold
could u throw it over ya shoulda
if ya hot it make ya cold
do your chain hang low"

👍643 👎285

Chaining - definition

To be pussy whipped.
On a short rope
Having a girlfriend that wears the pants

"Oh man Liam H and I were going to hang out but then his bitch girlfriend ally said he wasn't allowed too."
"Wow damn hes fucking in chains

👍53 👎15

Chaining - slang

Some one whos a the chain wears a chain all the time. They are very rich

That person is the chain

👍41 👎11


Following related links on websites like Wikipedia or YouTube until you end up on something completely unrelated to what you were initially looking for.

As a verb: to chain

"I went to look up the Columbia shuttle disaster but after an hour of chaining I somehow ended up on Elizabeth Bathory."

John: Did you get that report done?
Steve: Nope, I wasted the whole night chaining on Wikipedia.

👍163 👎39


When something is easy to accompish or takes little effort, when it should be hard

Originally from cycling when it appears you can cycle with no effort, i.e there is 'no chain' needed to turn the pedals

SammyA "Yo bruv, i need to pick up me dole, but the queue is large!"

Ed McD "No chain player, the lady works on the desk, i'll hook you up"

👍45 👎11


A verb describing the action of a group of engineers sitting in a row, the first student actively completing an assignment, acting as the "base link", while the others copy one by one, from the student immediately to their left.

The base link is rotated from class to class, thus the responsibility is shared.
The activity not only builds trust and facilitates bonding within the chain group, but maximizes laziness and opens free time for drinking related activities.

Teaching assistants rarely catch on during marking, as each assignment is slightly different, similar to the changing whispered message in the children's game of telephone.

Occasionally, the later students in the chain will receive a better grade than the earlier students, or even the base link of the chain, a phenomenon yet to be fully understood.

Engineer 1: "Wow, that concrete assignment was so terrible, how did you solve question 4?"
Engineer 2: "I don't know, we chained it"
Engineer 1: "You are only hurting yourself by chaining..."

👍35 👎13