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What is Caught Red Handed?

Caught in the act of rule breaking

I was caught red handed fucking a fiveteen year old

👍117 👎65

Caught Red Handed - video


Caught Red Handed - what is it?

To be caught in the act of committing a crime, with the evidence there for all to see.

honey came in and she caught red-handed
creeping with the girl next door

👍91 👎17

What does "Caught Red Handed" mean?

When fingering a girl, in a lowly lit room, and she starts menstrating. Once the lights come on, the dude observes that his hand, wrist, and maybe even forearm is covered in blood, therefore he was "caught red handed"

Dude, that chick was slamming, and I thougt that she was getting soooo wet for me, until I turned the lights on and realized I was caught red boner kill.

👍49 👎51