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What is Capricious?

When your girl wants to divide you many separate pieces.

Yo my girl keeps calling me a Capricious Division man.

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Capricious - what is it?


A: sarah klatt is BALLER

B: hell yeah, shes capricious

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What does "Capricious" mean?

Characterized by or subject to whim; impulsive and unpredictable. See F.Lee

Frankasy and Jobenlex are two capricious people.

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Capricious - what does it mean?

Unpredictable, willful, whimsical.

The pop star Madonna has changed her image so many times that each new transformation now appears capricious rather than purposeful.

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Capricious - meaning

Linde pringe is gosh darn capricious

Linde takes lizards as honeymoon pets and own it like a boss she is so capricious

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Capricious - definition

The characteristic of being unnecessarily unpredictable in one’s views or opinions such they they confuse or confound others.

I’m sick of Maurie. One day it’s this the next day it’s that. He’s such a capricious old cunt.

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Capricious - slang

The quality of being unnecessarily unpredictable in one’s views and opinions such that they confuse those around you.

I’m sick of Maurie. One day it’s this the next day it’s that. He’s such a capricious old cunt.

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