Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bust it wide?

Aa person, mainly a woman, who's open to have sexual intercourse with anyone, that she find interesting.

This person moral compass isn't active.

Look at that snow bunny, you know she's busting wide open for them guys tonight.

👍33 👎17

Bust it wide - video


Bust it wide - what is it?

Referring to a girl to dance with legs spread and her genitals toward the male.

"I told my girl to bust it wide open and bring it back when we were dancin."

👍373 👎161

What does "Bust it wide" mean?

Means for a man with a rather large penis to fuck a woman so hard that he busts her walls out, to bust the bottom of her pussy out so that it's a wide hole

"I bust it wide open, and that ho was sore for weeks !"

👍49 👎83