Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Burgettstown?

A shitty school with a lack of funds, so much so, that the would have only 5 Teater Tots by the time you get in the lunch line.

Person 1: Does your friend move to a Burgettstown School District?

Person 2: Yeah, but I bet he’s traumatized now

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Burgettstown - meme gif

Burgettstown meme gif

Burgettstown - video


Burgettstown - what is it?

A small ass town with asshole kids and a shirty school that almost went broke .

There's nothing too do in burgettstown , let's go too sheetz

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What does "Burgettstown" mean?

A town where Fuckboi’s live. They cheat and lie to girls to get a pat on the back

My ex is a burgettstown Fuckboi.

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Burgettstown - what does it mean?

a place in pa, full of liars and two faced bitches

"i would hate to go to burgettstown school, that place is filled with bitches"

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Burgettstown - meaning

a small town in pa. usually know for wanna be rappers, 13 year old thots, drug deals & school robberies.

Man, that girl is definitely a burgettstown thot.

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Burgettstown - definition

a small ass town with inbred kids that beat women regularly, similar to the entirety of ohio. crackheads live at mcdonald's and camp in abandoned houses. also it's filled with goth emo kids

Fort Cherry Kid: You moved to Burgettstown?
Burgettstown Kid: Yeah...
Fort Cherry Kid: Oh.

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Burgettstown - slang

A small town in PA where the cops make shit up and then charge you on information received without an investigation.

Don't go to Burgettstown bro your going to get hanged for nothing.

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