Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bum Bandit?

A fag, a homo, a gay man, a poof, etc.

Self explanatory, innit?

Piss off you bum beard bandit! Fuckin' 'ell, do I look like I like it up the chuff?!

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Bum Bandit - video


Bum Bandit - what is it?

Naked (Northern English Saying

I'm not going bare bum the bandit. Your always bare bum the bandit

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What does "Bum Bandit" mean?

A bum-bandit is a homosexual male in the UK, because guys like to fuck other guys in their lower boy-hole.

Greg is a real bum-bandit -- he'll fuck any young dude that moves!

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Bum Bandit - what does it mean?

A slang term for male homosexuals, referring to their desire for anal sex with other males.

1st Guy: Dude, there goes captain fag and the bum bandits!

2nd Guy: Uh, that's Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrats...

3rd Guy: Well duh, that's what he said...

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Bum Bandit - meaning

A slag term for a gay man who likes to put his cock up another mans anal passage. See wordass bandit/word or wordarse bandit/word Also see wordgay/word

"That guy is a blatent bum bandit".

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Bum Bandit - definition

A gay person.

There are lots of bum bandits in the Castro.

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Bum Bandit - slang

This term refers to an inverted male who seeks sexual pleasure by committing his loins to the rectum of another male. This term has sinister connotations and suggests that the inverted male has violent or unwanted intentions. It was a widely used terminology in the 1950s and 60s, but is still encountered today, particularly among the lower classes.

β€˜Be careful when you’re with Tarquin; when he’s had a few drinks he turns into a right bum bandit!’

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Bum Bandit

I person who like to lick bums, mosty mens. They are regarded as scum in sociaty and should all be shot.

'Jack was a great bum bandit, he does it all the time with ashly'

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Bum Bandit

To playfully but forcefully shove one, two or three fingers up a mates bum,usually accompanied by a loud cry of "BUM BANDIT"

Ewan: "BUM BANDIT" * shoves fingers up Adam's bum

Adam: owwww, you fuck

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