Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Built not bought?

A phrase used by car enthusiasts. It means the current owner of the car in question has paid for and/or done all the work to it themselves, rather than buying it pre-modified or renovated by a previous owner. This commands great respect by fellow enthusiasts.

My Chevrolet is built not bought

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Built not bought - video


Built not bought - what is it?

The anti-chequebook approach to the restoration and modification of old cars, in particular classic Fords. Budget, DIY home-grown fabrication and dedication as opposed to ready-made parts. In the shed, not off the shelf.

Person 1: โ€œDid you buy that jolly fine manifold off the shelf?โ€

Person 2: โ€œShelf? I made the shelf... My carโ€™s built not bought, mate.โ€

Person 1: โ€œYou the man.โ€

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