Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Buggin out?

This is basicaly the same as "freekn'out", It's brought on by using too much Cocaine,Regardless of what ever form it's in; be it : Crack, or powder, even in liquid form.

Pat allways is buggin out when he smokes crack. He thinks hes being watched but when you ask him "who's watching"? He says "I don't know".

👍197 👎329

Buggin out - video


Buggin out - what is it?

Verb derived from the term "(to) bug out". To retreat or flee, especially in a panic during a battle. In a non-military use, it means to depart quickly. Originated among GI's early in the Korean War (1950-1953) and entered civilian culture from there. Very similar to "bail out" used by aircrew in earlier wars and still in use today, sometimes as "(to) bail".

"Hey Sarge! They're buggin-out from the ridge over there. Wonder what they're up to now? Should we fall back?"

"Hey man, I'm buggin out, I've got stuff to do. Thanks for the beer."

👍107 👎39

What does "Buggin out" mean?

To do something wrong without realizing; to make a stupid mistake.

*Taxi driver pulls up to a fast food restaurant and stops without entering the drive thru*

Passenger: Does this look like the shit where I could order at? The shit down there! Buggin' out. YEEEEERRRR.

👍115 👎33

Buggin out - what does it mean?

(1)To preform an action, or display a behavior that contradicts your normal persona.(2)To unintentionally act like your under the influence of a hallucenogenic drug while sober.(3)Conduct unbecoming of a person of sound mind and body.(4)Brief mental impairment.

Guy#1: Yo, did you hear somebody knocking at the door?
Guy#2: Naw, son you buggin out.

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