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What is Brosama bin Laden?

A bro who wasn't a nice bro. Barack Brobama gave the order for his assassination.

Did you hear? Brosama Bin Laden is dead! - Bro #1

A holy shit, this is almost as exciting as the death of Brosef Stalin! - Bro #2

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Brosama bin Laden - video


Brosama bin Laden - what is it?

Someone who you think is your bro, but is actually vicious foe. He'll send your hopes flying, and then send you crashing.

I thought Matt was my best good friend. The modaf**a turned out to be a Brosama Bin Laden.

👍37 👎15

What does "Brosama bin Laden" mean?

A best friend that you never see. He's always hiding or just at home.
Named after the infamous best friend you never see,

Osama Bin Laden

Mike:Hey where's Joey at?
Daniel: IDK man he's being a real Brosama Bin Laden

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