Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Breast feeding?

AB stands for Adult Baby. This is an adult who breastfeeds from lactating women. It is typically erotic for both the AB and the lactating woman, and usually results in a male orgasm. AB's may nurse with one exclusive lactating woman, or may be inclined to attend an AB Nursery, which are selective but feature a variety of lactating women.

I need to suckle some lactating tits for my adult breast feeding milk.

👍33 👎15

Breast feeding - video


Breast feeding - what is it?

what every teenager wants to do with his mom again

boy:please mom just this time
mom:no my breast's are hurting now

👍159 👎281

What does "Breast feeding" mean?

when women take out their boobs and let you suck milk out of them.

bob was breast feeding in a mall

👍151 👎97

Breast feeding - what does it mean?

the act of usually an infant sucking on breast usually the mothers

the sexy mother was breast feeding her child when i peeked in

👍207 👎135

Breast feeding - meaning

to suck on a womens milk filled breasts , usally undertaken by a baby or infant, but can be peformed by a mature adult when required ...... it still tastes good at 45 belive me

lets get breast feeding i need some milk for my cafe au lait

👍475 👎135