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What is Bogged?

A bathroom

Ainsley raced quickly to the bog as she had to throw up.

👍75 👎33

Bogged - meme gif

Bogged meme gif

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Bogged - what is it?

A statement presented as fact, designed to mislead for political purposes, which can neither be proved to be true, nor false.

These are bogative statements:

"We can't afford to let the smoking gun be a mushroom cloud."

"Social Security will be bankrupt, long before you will ever see a can get a better return on your money, by investing in the stock market."

"Marijuana is dangerous precisely because it is so's a gateway drug."

"Pepper spray is essentially a food product."

👍223 👎121

What does "Bogged" mean?

bogs/boggs - toilet

dude, wers the boggs in here

👍295 👎149

Bogged - what does it mean?

The process of refusing to believe any logical thought/reasoning and create a theory based on no hard facts. The theory is usualy based on a forum post or a paragraph someone once read which was meaningless and untrue. Even if hard facts are presented to discourage the bog theory or totally falsify it, the individual refuses to accpet the truth.

Bog1 "Larry David is gay, i once read something somewhere about him being gay, therefore he's gay.

Bog2 "The correct English is not 'must have' it's 'must of', i just read a post on the internet which contained it.

Bog3 "Time doesn't exist, no as in i've built up a theory based on all the knowledge i've gathered over time and even though all logical reasoning proves that it is false, i continue to try and prove otherwise.

👍583 👎307

Bogged - meaning

a toilet

i neeta go to the Bog

👍1255 👎675

Bogged - definition

When something is both bogus and negative at the same time.

Bogative is a portmanteau that combines the words bogus and negative.

What happened was such a bogative situation.

👍325 👎117

Bogged - slang

In trading and investing: A state in which one's trades go so poorly as to be explainable only by the intervention of an omniscient and likely malevolent entity. Presumably, Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff.

Trader: I shorted bitcoin @ $6500 dollars then it instantly went to $8000. In my panic, I closed my short and opened a long then it immediately went down to $7500 in a span of 5 minutes. I literally got bogged.

👍213 👎61


Say when you get stuck in Mud or stuck in quick sand or something

Tim: Really muddy today
Jackson: Yea I got bogged in the mud out over the hills yesterday

👍39 👎55


A state in which one's crypto trades go so poorly as to be explainable only by the intervention of an omniscient and likely malevolent entity

I bought Ethereum at 1300$ and it crashed to 300$ two days later, I think I just got bogged.

👍673 👎85


When a famous person gets excessive, noticeable plastic surgery, especially when it makes them look much worse. Refers to the Bogdanoff brothers, Igor and Grichka. Often used on 4chan. ie: Mickey Rourke, Joan Rivers.

Freya Allan bogged herself between seasons 1 and 2 of the Witcher.

👍205 👎17