Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bodle?

also known as christian baugh or a dirty gay

christian baugh is a dirty bodle

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Bodle - meme gif

Bodle meme gif

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Bodle - what is it?

Bent over double laughing

Rachel was BODL at how sad Edward was to add a new acronym to Urban Dictionary.

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What does "Bodle" mean?

An old dude with a huge cock. Usually looks like a loser but really wins.

Friend: look at that old loser, he could die any second.
Me: no way dude that's a bodle!!!

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Bodle - what does it mean?

1)to bust into someone's room uninvited and unwanted
2)sleeping in calculus
3)to get yelled at in philosophy

1)I can't wait until I bodle into Chris and Anthony's room later and steal some of Cancer's food.
2)Man, I was so tired during Calc, so I Bodled.
3)It was unfortunate that Mr. Rudar had to call me out into the hallway just to bodle me.

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