Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bitchin's?

(adj., exp., n.) 1. Spectacularly good. 2. Awesome, great. 3. Used to denote awesomeness, greatness or spectacular goodness. 4. Used to describe the act of complaining.

"This cheesecake is bitchin'."
"Stop your bitchin', you damn New Yorker!"

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Bitchin's - meme gif

Bitchin's meme gif

Bitchin's - video


Bitchin's - what is it?

to be very fucking cool

that Benz is bitchin

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What does "Bitchin's" mean?

The definition of being badass. Or being Eleven from Stranger Things and hanged out with some gang from your β€œsister” and having black eyeshadow.

Hey did you hear about Cassie?
Yeah she was bitchin’!

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Bitchin's - what does it mean?

1) similar to "awesome" or "bad ass"
2) when someone complains, mainly female

1) "man, ya ride is bitchin'!"
2) "ima slap this nigga if he don't stop bitchin'."

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Bitchin's - meaning

to make someone one's bitch, in situation where a person is put in a submissive way while being patronized.

QP Ma bitchinized Emile in order to obtain important information that might help him to score but didn't.

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Bitchin's - definition

Origins date back to at least the very early 60's. Great, the best, hot, excellent, awesome, unbelievably good. In the 60's and 70's was often combined with the word "ass", as in "bitchin-ass", to describe the ultimate, supreme, primo, or a great looking sexy girl.

1. Check out that bitchin car!
2. We had such a bitchin time at the concert.
3. Wow what a bitchin-ass babe!

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Bitchin's - slang

Not just great, but bad-ass fine.

Dude, look at that bitchin '32 roadster with the black pinstriping. Also written bitchen or bitchin' - and ALWAYS pronounced BIT-chin.

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A disease in which someone acts like a bitch for an extended amount of time. This disease is contagious.

I diagnosed my girlfriend with "Bitchinitis" this weekend.

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totally fucking bad ass and cool.

Spartacus is a bitchin name for a hamster.

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1. good, fuckin great, awsome
2. whinging, complaining

1. This is bitchin
2. Kenny, stop your bitchin!!

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