Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Big Juicy Cock?

a way of saying "go play dead cells its a good game"

hey bro, go suck a big juicy black mans cock
oh dont worry bro, I already have, its great

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Big Juicy Cock - video


Big Juicy Cock - what is it?

A horse cock that is big and rather juicy.

After making sweet love to Jim, Sarah described his wang as looking like a big juicy horse cock. Whether this is a compliment or not is up for debate.

👍33 👎23

What does "Big Juicy Cock" mean?

A cock that is big fat and juicy

Wow man! You got a big fat juicy cock inside those shorts!
Wanna see it?!
Sure *gah gah gah*

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Big Juicy Cock - what does it mean?

1) An African American male genitalia that is large, hard, and usually sucked by a white blonde female.
2) A delicious black male chicken.

Susan was sucking Tyrone's big black juicy cock all night last night.
I ate a very nice big black juicy cock at Tyrone's house last night after sucking his big black juicy cock.

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Big Juicy Cock - meaning

Gymnastics is the only day that she was going on the day she had to go back and she had a good time with me and she was hard

Levis big juicy cock is very skinny

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Big Juicy Cock - definition

A very large penis that releases a large amount of sperm. Can also mean when a the male releases sperm whilst receiving a blowjob and the woman spitting out a large amount of sperm onto his penis.

"Yeah i totally gave Ali a big juicy cock last night"
"That Riaz guy totally has a big juicy dick"

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