Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Barking dogs?

This is the opposite of "Look who the cat dragged in"

Tom-Look who the dog barked in

Jim-Hahaha look who the cat dragged in

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Barking dogs - video


Barking dogs - what is it?

An example of someone who reckons dogs barking in a dream is very common and doesn't sound odd.

My friend said it to me once

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What does "Barking dogs" mean?

Being the victim of a whistle-blower (someone who reports your misconduct.)

There was no more rain, just an eerie stillness, a deathly silence. Somewhere a dog barked, and my wife caught me with my pants down, and the maid on the floor... staring at the ceiling languidly, with the eyes of an innocent cow.

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Barking dogs - what does it mean?

Possibly explained as a punctuated Wolf Bite, the Dog Bark is a sweaty, chaffing ass crack's wake-up-fart. It's a well known fact that farting hurts, when you've got a Wolf Bite. Now you know that such a fart (in which every vibration and clap is felt like a slap on sunburn) is called a Dog Bark.

Damn, I knowed I shouldn'a ate them Crunch Wraps before I goed jogging. Them shits gave me the Dog Bark hard core, son.

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Barking dogs - meaning

The ability (or relief) to be able to fart when prairie dogging.

Sara was thankful that she had a barking prairie dog because she didn't have skid marks when she finally was able to get into the toilet.

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Barking dogs - definition

A natural defense that involves producing a powerful fart in order to launch a nestled penis from ones rectum. A barking devil dog can be produced by either gender and is solely utilized to abrupt the act of anal sex.

"If you even think about slipping it into the wrong hole; I won't hesitate to give you a barking devil dog."

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Barking dogs - slang

A vaiation of the "shocker."
Forefinger, middle finger, and ring finger inserted into the vagina, pinky inserted into the rectum, thumb stimulating the clitoris.
Your pinky becomes the dog's lower jaw, and your thumb becomes the dog's ear.

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Barking dogs

smelly or stinky feet.
also, tired feet.

you've got some barking dogs, man. (your feet stink.)
my dogs are barking. (my feet hurt.)

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Barking dogs

a person who tends to chide or scold others but who is really kind-hearted in spirit.

My foreman is a barking dog. Although he reprimands me for my mistakes, he loves me from the bottom of his heart.

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Barking dogs

Very sore or tired feet.

I think we oughtta call it a day on this hike, Susan. I've got barking dogs!

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