Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bacher?

to insert a dotted half note into a females vagina and a treble clef in the anus.

I bet Ms. Christman goes crazy for the bacher.

👍39 👎23

Bacher - meme gif

Bacher meme gif

Bacher - video


Bacher - what is it?

To break something simple; To fail at a simple task;

Father really bachered the coffee machine, now he cant use the old irish coffee trick to get his new dumpstitute to give up her hymanus.

👍43 👎13

What does "Bacher" mean?

Bacher is like Compost.

Compost stinks. Bacher does also.
Bacher have long ugly hair.

You can say something smells like shit, but you can say it smells like bacher.

👍27 👎11