Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BUY one?

What rick James says to Charlie Murphy after he says fuck yo couch nigga

Rick James: Buy anotha one you rich motha fucka!

Charlie Murphy: Fuck you nigga!

👍39 👎15

BUY one - video


BUY one - what is it?


The act of taking one's own life.

To voluntarily leave this world for the next one.
Any entity that has caused its' own downfall by continued aberrant behavior.

1. Its' too bad about Jimmy. He'd been depressed a long time. No surprise he decided to Buy a Ticket To the Big Adios.

2. Hey, man, there's got to be another way besides Buying a One way Ticket To the Big Adios.

3. He made her so crazy she was going to Buy a One Way Ticket To the Bid Adios.

4. The tree huggers have a point. If this planet doesn't shape up we're Buying a One way Ticket To the Big Adios.

5. The feds should never have bailed out those banks. Its' their own fault they decided to Buy a One Way Ticket To the Big Adios.

6. I feel bad for those Marines in Afghanistan. Every time they leave the base its' a One Way Ticket To the Big Adios.

👍33 👎17

What does "BUY one" mean?

a synonym for masturbation

Kease: I heard your girl left for vacation?
Mikey: Yup, so im going to have to buy one get one free until she comes back

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BUY one - what does it mean?

When a person goes to a vending machine intending to buy an item and that item is barely hanging on to the barricade that prevents it from falling. The person then buys the item and two items fall from the same row.

Dude, I went to go buy some sour patch kids and the idiot before me only had a dollar and his sour patch kids got stuck. I got to buy one vend one free.

👍55 👎19

BUY one - meaning

"Buy One Get One Me" is used when shopping for a gift for someone and you find something so great that you have to have one, too!

"Hi Mom, Merry Christmas! Here's a cool shirt. I hope you like it. Isn't it cute! I bought one just like it... I got it "Buy One Get One Me!"

👍85 👎13

BUY one - definition

To be shot, esp. killed, by a gun.

"If I buy one, you muddafucka, I'm not gonna buy it from you."

-Al Pacino in SERPICO

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