Definder - what does the word mean?


This hilariously tragic sex prank is achieved through the following: You begin normally having sex, you then tell her to get on all fours (Doggystyle), all the while covertly aiming her towards a window, immediately after, your friend will come and switch places with you. Then, you will calmly walk past the window, then turn and wave at your misguided partner.

Guy: Yeah...?
Dude: Me and Man totally pulled a Canadian Border Patrol on her.
Guy: Dude... you're fucked up... In a funny kinda way!
*High five*

👍65 👎39



BORDER PATROL - what is it?

the type of person who takes offense at the least injustice, slight, or bad turn of events, whether it be against him, or he happens to just be walking or driving by and notices it. he then confronts the situation either verbally, physically, or both. luckily this often occurs in physically smaller people. these people were usually bullied, beaten, or belittled when young and are often very intelligent with great, though sick, senses of humor, and well liked for exactly all of these reasons.

often these people are absolutely correct. they just overreact

the movie "anger management" has many good examples of a border patrol personality

👍53 👎21

What does "BORDER PATROL" mean?

When doing it doggystyle, take your partner over to the window so he/she is facing out. Take a break for a few moments, and covertly invite a friend to take your place. While he continues, she assumes it is still you behind her, so then walk outside the same window and wave to her as if you were simply passing by.

Me and Kevin pulled a canadian border patrol on her, she didn't know what happened and she went nuts.
I'm gonna visit her in the asylum in a few days.

👍223 👎67

BORDER PATROL - what does it mean?

A Devastating cocktail.. A big shot of 1pt Yeager,1pt Vodka, 1pt Tequila, and maybe a float of Red Bull....

I was on Border Patrol until til i saw starrs

👍47 👎121


A gay man who goes after only Latino boys.

"Border Patrol is going to love it here with all the Brazilian boys running around"

👍83 👎183

BORDER PATROL - definition

1). Fucking idiot standing at the border, most likely straching his sack

2). Job that requires under 70 IQ.

3). Bored people who shoot at immigrants trying to cross the border.

1). Look at Eric A. Pennino scratch his ballsack; he must be a Border Patrol Officer.

2). I'm a complete retard, I should join the Border Patrol!

3). 72 innocent men were shot today by the Border Patrol.

👍167 👎463


A Kevin

A border patrol is a Kevin

👍31 👎15


Cleaning up down south, after you have defecated.

Taking a shower or washing up.... after you take a shit.

Sorry I was late, I was on border patrol.

👍51 👎31


someone who stops mexicans from getting to america

Border Patrol:
Dude you see that maexican trying to jump the border?
Yeah *powpowpowpow*
Got him.

👍249 👎107


aka "Signing the NAFTA,"

It is the act of two American roommates having simultaneous sex in two beds on opposite ends of the same bedroom--one with a Mexican and the other with a Canadian.

Snakes and I met these two girls at the bar and ended up running border patrol last night.

👍177 👎43