Definder - what does the word mean?


A lady who looks like she smokes lots of cigarettes

I went to NYC and saw so many Bayonettas, I even saw an Izzy

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BAYONETTA - meme gif

BAYONETTA meme gif



BAYONETTA - what is it?

A really retarted smash 4 player who plays bayonetta and sucks their own cock

you retarted bayonetta main!

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What does "BAYONETTA" mean?

a fan that likes Bayonetta the umbra witch and probably has a lot of edits of her

Person 1:i stan Bayonetta!
Person 2:ew your a Bayonetta stan?
Person 2:yeah and what?

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BAYONETTA - what does it mean?

A Smash Bros character used by people who don't respect themselves

Me : Hey ! What's your main character in Super Smash Brothers ?
Friend : Bayonetta sure is my favorite character !
Me : Oh man.. You want some help ?

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BAYONETTA - meaning

Fabulous ^v^

<3 πŸ­πŸ’œβ€œIt seems I’m unfashionably late ,but I’m ready to give you everything you want

πŸ’œπŸ­β€ <3

- Bayonetta 3

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BAYONETTA - definition

A stylized version of Devil May Cry but taken on with a more female twist. It's also a term for a girl who is classy as fuck but can use what she got to her advantage.

Yo dawg you play that new. "Bayonetta" game.

Man that girl is so "Bayonetta" every time she comes my way I gotta look back and go Goddamn that chick is so Bayonetta.

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A video game character who is a sexy girl boss lesbian who manipulates men into doing all her stuff. She has sex with multiple women and uses the suffering of men for pleasure

me: β€œhey have you played that game with the lesbian witch who slays people with her sexiness”
friend: β€œoh yeah your talking about bayonetta”

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A single - player video game for PS3 and XBox 360, which gameplay and graphic appearance is comparable to the Devil May Cry series, Dante's Inferno and other Hack & Slay adventures.

Bayonetta is the name of the main character - the witch Bayonetta.

Bayonetta: 'Don't fuck with a witch'.

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