Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Atop?

noa's word that is suppose to mean stop

"you're short" - a
"ATOP!" - noa

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Atop - meme gif

Atop meme gif

Atop - video


Atop - what is it?

1. The concept of, while being a player or audience member of a game or performance, you spend your time and energy criticizing and making fun of that game or performance.
2. The idea of making a satire or parody of a game or performance.

This comes from Linkara's comic review web-show called "Atop the Fourth Wall", where he'll make comments and make fun of bad comics.

1. "I'll keep atop the fourth wall on this game."
2. "Man, that was a nice satire. I liked how you played atop the fourth wall on that one."

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What does "Atop" mean?

At Time of Post

Used mainly on internet forums to describe something at the time of a users post (and is likely to change later).

The poll is 65% "Option B" AToP

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Atop - what does it mean?

โ€ขand thatโ€™s on periodt
โ€ขWhen you say something that you know is right or you have strong feelings about.

โ€ขYou just want to add a lil spice to the word periodt

โ€ขโ€œAinโ€™t no one gon beat me in this race and thatโ€™s on periodt(atop)โ€
โ€ขโ€œUsain bolt is the fastest man in the world and thatโ€™s on periodt(atop){โ€

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Atop - meaning

And that's on periodt โ€ผ๏ธ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ…ฟ๏ธ

He shouldn't have been cheating. Now he lost you for good! Atop๐Ÿ…ฟ๏ธ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿพ

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Atop - definition

And that's on period

Friend 1 : she's pretty
Friend 2 : her shoes are really peng
Friend 1: atop

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