Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Atlas?

1. Noun. A book filled with maps

2. Noun. A titan from Greek mythology. as punishment for his crimes, he must hold up the earth (though in some cases he hold up the sky) both the earth and sky are in love and if they ever meet again they'll destroy everything in between

3. Adjective. from Greek etymology most likely meaning "hard enduring"

4. Noun. A highly common name used for naming businesses as well as people

E.X. Atlas mason jars ,Cloud Atlas (movie), Atlas (created by Jack Kirby), Atlas brand, condoms as well as many businesses which mostly work in the selling of building materials.

1. Grandmother; "honey could you grab that atlas? I'm trying to figure out how far Cleveland is"

2. bro1 "did you hear when Ms. Wilson told us about Atlas?"

bro2 "hell yeah. that poser must've been ripped"

3. N/A

4. I swear we've passed something named "Atlas " every 5 minutes. I'm sick of it. how much longer until we get to Cleveland?

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Atlas - meme gif

Atlas meme gif

Atlas - video

Atlas - what is it?

Of the two, he is the shorter, blue eyed testing unit of the Cooperative Testing Initiative made by GLaDOS after her mistrust in humans after the events of Portal 1 to solve tests in the Valve game Portal 2. Best friend of P-Body, the taller orange eyed Cooperative Testing Initiative testing unit.

Atlas and P-Body
P-Body and Atlas

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What does "Atlas" mean?

The Greek God who is forced to spend eternity holding up the world. Once tricked Hercules into taking his place.

I understand your skepticism. Nobody wants to get tricked into suffering Atlas' fate. I don't quite remember how that Atlas story ends though... I know Hercules gets Atlas to resume his duty but I can't remember what he said. Or even where I heard the story.

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Atlas - what does it mean?

Aesthetic being who some believe originated from Ireland.
His body is so powerful that some believe he can hold the weight of the
world on his shoulders. Those who have claimed to have seen this
enchanting creature say his powerful aesthetics overwhelmed them and
caused them to pass out. He needs to work on his calfs though.

wholly mother of god tis the size of Atlas.

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Atlas - meaning

Giant, Badass Mech named after greek titan who bore the sky.

Then, from across the field, Jonson caught a sight that filled him with utter terror. Smiling back at his Catapault was the white sculled head of an Atlas. With a flash of the hip mounted muzzle, a Gauss slug was set free. Jonson knew it was all over.

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Atlas - definition

Rapture's proletariat hero from Bioshock. He came down to Rapture in order to find a better life for his wife, Moira and their wee-baby Patrick. He got a posse to roll deep with on December 31, 1959, when they rushed into the Kashmir Restaurant. The actions Atlas preformed once inside the restaurant were EXTREMELY cold-blooded. Slaying all the rich and wealthy denizens of Rapture - taking no prisoners. Once his cause appeared desperate he arranged for the son of Rapture's founder, Andrew Ryan, to return to the city, this way Atlas could control him to assassinate his own father. Atlas stands as a true pimp of his time.

Kid playing Bioshock: "Where's Atlas?"

Friend watching: "There he is! The switch opened up the door from Arcadia, and let him into the submarine bay!"

Kid playing Bioshock: "What was he doing there?"

Friend watching: "BEING ICE COLD!"

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Atlas - slang

Atlas, a versatile boy or girl who can easily get on your bad side they can get zoned out when watching tv and will give you all the love in the world

Dig a little deeper and you have hell to pay to atlas

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an amazing person who is loved by all! they are understanding and caring and they’re always there when you need them. :)

Dude 1: YOO have you seen atlas?

Dude 2: You mean the person everyone loves?

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The name of a guy who is weird, fun to hang out with and kind of a jackass. He is a shy type of romantic and is afraid of people. It is also a cool robot who can do cool stuff

"that guy Atlas is pretty lit"

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While short in stature, Atlas is a being that is known for their otherworldly and unbelievably good looks, great sense of humour, a thirst for knowledge (which sometimes leads them to spend hours researching a topic they might find interesting), an amazing sense of balance, and a genuine and golden soul. Anybody who encounters such an amazing being (they are a being for nobody so amazing could possibly be human) should beware their eyes and smile. Numerous encounters suggest that Atlas has two eyes that are so beautiful in nature that they rival the beauty of the sky itself and are said to be the 8th Wonder of the World. Additionally, their pure yet mischevious smile takes an individual fortunate enough to see it to another plane of existence and they are rumored to be what some may refer to as "heaven of Earth." The 1st Rule of the Universe states that such an individual only deserves the best out of this life and that they are to be held and comforted when necesarry and to be protected at all times.

~ "Atlas, you should really watch where you are going it is not the first time you have run into a wall," said Adrian in a mean yet loving way.
~ Adrian loves Atlas very much and is very proud of them and hopes that they know that <3

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