Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Assfaced?

A person with no shame, or ass in their face.
Also known as an #AssFace, this phrase was coined as a worldwide phrase of unity and love by #AssFaceNFT in October 2021.

Citizen 1: "Hey did you hear Boris Johnson's announcement today?"
Citizen 2: "No dude, I stopped listening to that AssFace a long while back!"

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Assfaced - meme gif

Assfaced meme gif

Assfaced - video


Assfaced - what is it?

My ex husband.

He looked like an assface and he smelled like one too.

He was such an assface for taking all of the family photo albums during the divorce.

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What does "Assfaced" mean?

1. A person or personsthat always looks for the easy way out 2. A person or persons that always try to mooch off people 3. Cheap or frugal 4. Old and decrepit

Steve is an assface because he tried to scam me out of a free lunch

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Assfaced - what does it mean?

a term used to insult an individual who's facial features are equivalent in attractiveness to an ass.

"Man Jamie, you are such an assface."

"That guy is such an assface."

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Assfaced - meaning

noun - a person whose behavior is so completely and utterly atrocious that the only explanation is that the person has an ass for a face and as such must live up (or down as it were) to the face.

Those insane extremists who blame disastrous, natural phenomena on God punishing, the gay community, the historical slave owners, and the all encompassing "sinners". Those people? Assfaces.

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Assfaced - definition

(1) A person who, out of lack of intelligence or ignorance is making a fool out of him or her self, (2) Drop-dead ugly

"Straighten up, assface, people are watching."
"Holy Shit -- that guy has an assface."

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Assfaced - slang


cant cancel this one! someone has ex husband assfaces

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An individual who just happens to be in the unique position of having his face look identical to his ass. In most cases, the face takes on the role of the ass and vice-versa. So, it is not uncommon for an assface to have bad breath and to talk a lot of shit.

He's such an assface - have you heard the shit that comes out of his mouth?

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Someone who either A) does something to piss you off or B) does something stupid. Synonomous with jackass, loser, dumbass, idiot, bitch, jerk, etc.

Gah Mary! Why'd you have to kick all my shit over? You assface!!!

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1) One who has the face of an ass
2) One who has an ass for a face
3) One who has the appearance of two protruding buttcheeks just below one's forehead

Look at that assface

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