Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Arnab's?

Shouting and diverting the public attention from serious issues by making Illogical points and behaving as a lapdog of the government.

Now you are being Arnab; can you please talk sense else be quite.

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Arnab's - meme gif

Arnab's meme gif

Arnab's - video


Arnab's - what is it?

A man who has the biggest dick in the world a person whose masculinity is copared to one who is superior to the human king.
He is a defination of charming,kindness ,romantic , funny and etc to end woth

Arnab Das is a pinnacle of manhood

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What does "Arnab's" mean?

The og of the universe, the reincarnation of harambe, and tha love child of Dat boi and Kermit the frog.

He is Arnab the Arabican, the og of the universe.

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Arnab's - what does it mean?

India's Joseph Goebbels. Has a mastery in rabble-rousing and dealing in alternative facts.

Did you watch Arnab Goswami's tv show last night? He is such a hypocrite.

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Arnab's - meaning

When a person defames, disrespects a person in public , the action is termed arnabed

Recently, Arnab Goswami was arnabed by a fellow passenger as a taste of his own medicine.

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Arnab's - definition

observes (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement.

he arnabed her at her desk everyday at 4pm while making coffee, which really was just a flimsy excuse to arnab her...

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Arnab's - slang

A handsome and intelligent man

I wish I could be Arnab.

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He is a boy who is loyal as a soldier , He loves to talk to girls and is a bloody pervert but he doesn't have bad intentions he will never break your heart but if you break it he will be angry

I wish I could become Arnab

I wish I could be Arnab.

Oh my! I love Arnab

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A word used for someone most people want to be like

Shit dude, I just can't get this girl to look at me...I wish I was Arnab.

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When balanced-rational media houses start being bigoted hate-factories for mere TRPs and direct/indirect favours from the incumbent Govt.

Beginning around 2014, Indian journalism showed a disturbing trend of Arnabization that led to the Delhi riots in the year 2020.

- Modern Indian History (2050 edition)

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