Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Aot?

An abbreviation for the term 'All Over The Shop'

"Hey Leon, I wouldn't mind a go of that Madjens, would you STBOOIA?"

"Oh aye! AOTS"

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Aot - meme gif

Aot meme gif

Aot - video


Aot - what is it?

Abbreviation for the show "Attack of the Show" on G4.

"That episode of AOTS kicked ass."

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What does "Aot" mean?

Stands for β€œ Attack of the Show.”

Happy tree friends are coming to AOTS!

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Aot - what does it mean?

Always on Top

That KD is AOT.

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Aot - meaning

A phrase describing a huge let down. Synonymous to being disappointed. Originated from a disappointing manga/anime.

- Have you seen the final season of this show?
- Yep, it totally aoted me.

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

Aot - definition

Stands for "Attack On Titan" also called "Shingeki no Kyojin" which is probably one of the most epic animes you will ever watch.


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Aot - slang

An anime where people get turned into giant naked monster things and eat people constantly, their only weakness is the fidget spinner (Levi Ackerman). This anime is all about how much they hate eldians and terrorize them on an island called Paradis with their eldians being injected and heading for the walls.


eren- "I will kill every titan in my path!"
older eren- "I will kill everyone except the titans"
my friend- "anime is for kids"
me- *shows him aot*
my friend- "oh god"

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Anime Of The Season

New episode of Attack On Titan is out. AOTS.

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Short for attack on titan a very gory and violent show do not get attached to characters

β€œ what’s a show that will make me cry?”

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11


Its the shortcut for attack on tenhumberg. Attack on tenhumberg is a mid overrated anime

Person 1:β€žI like aotβ€œ

Person 2:β€œshut the f*ck up you ni**er no one loves you ki*l yourself lil bit*h aot (attack on tenhumberg) is mid af

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