Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Angie Daddy?

A term used when you don't know who your baby daddy is and it could be any/all of the guys at your school because you slept with just about all of them.

Melissa: I'm pregnant but I don't know who it is...

Ryan: Well maybe you should have had all those one night stands with those guys!

Melissa: It wasn't that many...

Ryan: You slept with almost all of them, it could be any of them... You have Angie's Baby Daddy!

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Angie Daddy - video


Angie Daddy - what is it?

A joke phrase used as a follow-up to "Joe Mama". This makes the victim of the joke feel even more insulted if they fall for it twice. Similar in execution to the "Deez Nuts" type of joke.

John: "Hey, someone was looking for you while you were gone."

Mike: "Yeah, who?"

John: "Joe Mama!!! Ahhhhh!!!!

Mike: "Aw, fuck you man."

John: "No, seriously, there were two people here asking for you."

Mike: "Who?"

John: "Joe Mama, ANGIE DADDY!!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!! Dumbass!

Mike: "Go to hell, asshole!"

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