Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Anal Cream?

cream used to widen peoples' ass cracks

Becky's ass crack was numb and spread for her husband, thanks to her anal stretching cream

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Anal Cream - video


Anal Cream - what is it?

When you are fucking a girl doggy style right before you pull out and cum in her face, you stick your dick in her ass and then you cum inside her anal canal.

"Me" Dude I gave Sam an Anal Cream Pie Surprise last night, it was amazing!
"Friend" Dude that's gross!

👍49 👎19

What does "Anal Cream" mean?

well, its were you get 10 gallons of whip cream in an air-a-sall can, you get your girl friends to bend over and open her asshole nice and wide;) then you spary the whip cream into you anal hole, after 10 gallons has been emtpyed into her asshole you follow by laying on you back and letting her fart the cream into you mouth

holy fucking shit the Anal Cream and Onion was so good i want more, 10 gallons was not enough

👍37 👎45

Anal Cream - what does it mean?


Gavin is the Gavin of Anal cream pea

👍29 👎13

Anal Cream - meaning

What happens after harcore anal sex. If you a heterosexual the manjaculation will drip from the anus into the pussssssy. If you are a Dudley or a Wixon the manjaculation will drip onto the balls causing a creampie affect.

Dudley and Wixson had some delicious anal cream pie today, so they say.

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Anal Cream - definition

see also: mud pie

Johan didn't pull out of her ass in time, thus giving Samantha a nice mud pie.

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Anal Cream - slang

When you play to much fortnite and become gay so you fist yourself till you shit white goo "not cum". Then you slurp it up with a penis straw and inject homeless sperm into your dick hole.

Luis has Fortnite Anal Cream

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Anal Cream

term given after you cum in an asshole

wow check out that anal cream pie

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Anal Cream

the ceam substance that comes out of the ass of someone getting fisted

jamie likes to fist people so he can eat the anal cream on pancakes

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Anal Cream

A cream like substance that normally comes in a tube however, it also does sometimes come inside a small plastic container. This cream is meant to be applied to your anus with one finger that has a plastic wrap on it or a glove. It is important to not spread germs so it is recommended that you wash your hands before applying the cream. Even though anal cream can have many uses, some of them are to relieve anal discomfort and to stop itching.

"Hey, Mom?"
"Yea, Sam? What do you need?"
"When you go to the store can you see if there's any anal cream? Lately it's been kind of uncomfortable and a little bit itchy down there."

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