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What is Alex the Rambler?

A hoi4 youtuber Which is part of the sex triangle with ISorrowProductions and Drew Durnil. He does 10 minute videos which will make you question your sexuallity. And please now go have sex with your dad.

Guy 1: fuck you
Guy 2: Alex the rambler
Guy 1: *questions sexuallity and then dies*

👍29 👎13

Alex the Rambler - video


Alex the Rambler - what is it?

Alex The Rambler is a British You tuber who is best know for playing the grand strategy game Hoi4 (Hearts of Iron 4). His friend are isorrowproductions, Feedback Gaming, Rimmy Downunder Gaming, and The Spiffing Brit. His current lover is Drew Durnil gay.

Guy one: Hey did you hear Alex The Rambler is quieting Hoi4?
Guy two: Who, what?

👍89 👎19