Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Abudi's?

Another word for Jesus Christ in the Ypsilanti region of Michigan near the infamous houses of the nahlawis in Mazin CT .

Oh my mighty abudi save my children from starvation

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Abudi's - what is it?

Little is known about Abudi(s). Most of them the product of members of the 27 club (Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin). Their knowledge of sarcasm and womanizing could kill a person, let alone sending females looking them directly in the eye into an endless orgasmic trance. Usually sporting long, luminous hair, and a beard that goes with it. Fluent in many languages, the least of which are sarcasm, irony, indie rock, sex-lish, and orgasm-abic. Do not tempt an Abudi to show you his genitals. A film director once hired an Abudi for a role in his latest movie, Anaconda.

Where'd all the chicks go?" - "Abudi's room..

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