Definder - what does the word mean?

What is A Phoebe?

One of hottest girl ever. Should get the boy she wants. she's is very funny and could make your day with only her smile. She has that money πŸ˜‚. If you get a phoebe never let her go. She'll always be there for you

Phoebe is a gorgeous girl!

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A Phoebe - video


A Phoebe - what is it?

A person who is completely beautiful in every single way imaginable, a human being like no other. With a very good sense of humour and a talented person with a figure to die for, an excellent taste in everything that can be, you can never can too much fun and will never be able to stop loving her, she is in fact one in a billion. She will complete your every desire sexually and emotionally. She is always busy catering for others which proves her absolute love for life and others.

An absolutely amazing person who you will cherish forever & ever, wether she be your first love or your last you will never forget her.

1:"Whoa. Who is she"?


1:"Who is Phoebe"?

2:"Everything anyone could every need"

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What does "A Phoebe" mean?

Phoebe is the Greek name meaning "radiant, shining one", which is understandable since she is truly a gem. She is absolutely hilarious and always cracking people up with her witty responses and her second nature sarcasm and commentary. She is the most adorable angel ever. She is quite tall for her age. She can either be your best friend or your worst enemy, so don't trigger her because the result won't be pretty. She cares alot for her family and friends and they couldn't be more thankful to have her in their lives. The world does not deserve her, but she deserves the world. If anyone can brighten up your day she will be one of those people. She makes you smile and laugh almost as if that's what she was born to do, to make you and many other people happy, which she is a natural at as far as her loved ones are concerned. She sometimes doubts herself and she shouldn't. She is an amazing human being and deserves to be happy and healthy.

I just met a girl named Phoebe. She was really friendly.

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A Phoebe - what does it mean?

A friend who is always by your side in hard times.

Oh my friend is a phoebe

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A Phoebe - meaning

Phoebe, an English name. (Ancient Greek: Φοίβη), meaning;
A friendly and amazing person,

really adorable, beautiful, kind, and very loveable.

Usually has a great energy,
To find a Phoebe is a great achievement, so take care, or lose it.
…………really really really adorable.
1.) β€œYou got a Phoebe in your group! Awesome.”
2.) β€œWow, I can’t believe I’m with Phoebe <3. I must be the luckiest guy in the world.”


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A Phoebe - definition

The sweetest, most gorgeous girl a guy will ever have the incredible luck of coming across. If she's not a part of your present and future, make it so. Quite frankly- life without her is unimaginable. The only one person I personally've let myself care about, infinitely more so than than yes...myself.

One day, reader, I plan on seeing her beautiful smile in person. That day's coming faster than you or I know.

Lofoten, Norway(Phoebe)
Chocolate Hills(Phoebe)

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A Phoebe - slang

The most beautiful, athletic girl you will ever meet. She is smart, funny and awkward but fun to hang out with. She could get all the guys she wants just with her personality. Everybody wants to be like Phoebe. If you friends with a Phoebe count yourself lucky because Phoebes are very rare.

Alex: I wish I could be Phoebe all the guys love her!
Ani: I know me too!
Annie: Me three!

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A Phoebe

This girl is one that you really want to keep. She is caring, understanding, a good listener and amazing at advice. She might think that she isn't good anough but non of her friends think that. When you first meet her she might be quite shy and awkward but if you get to know her she has a lot of personality. she can be quite opinionated but she is basically always right. She loves all her friends and she has lots of them. Her moto for people are' I'm your friend unless you show me why I shouldn't be. Not to mention she's apsolutly gorgous😍

Did you see phoebe
She is such a good friend

πŸ‘95 πŸ‘Ž15

A Phoebe

A girl with big dreams and a big heart. She's always right, and if she isn't then she'll pretend to be! She is sweet, and kind, and ultimately very attractive. She will be loyal to the end, as long as you don't tell her what to do. Then she'll be your worst nightmare.

Alex: I went out with Phoebe today!
Josh: Lucky you! I can't believe I lost her!

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A Phoebe

The act of raising one's thumb and smiling slightly in an awkward situation.

Phoebe was just phoebeing in the corner

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