Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ARZ?

Either a cool guy or a cheap uy who's typicaly a simp but girls never are into him, he resorts to chasing much younger girls that are guillible

Arz is simp

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ARZ - meme gif

ARZ meme gif

ARZ - video


ARZ - what is it?

Either a cool guy or a cheap guy who's typicaly a simp but girls never are into him, he resorts to chasing much younger girls that are guillible

Simply Arz probably simp

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What does "ARZ" mean?

an arz is someone who is small and never stops laughing ever. she is someone who is a tomboy and enjoys football. an arz enjoys barking like a dog.

today arz hit me with a stick.

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ARZ - what does it mean?

The tree on the Lebanon flag or an Arab name

Arz is here

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