Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ADD?

It's what makes you lose focus when people are explaining things to you very quickly. A person with ADD may refuse to ask questions, as it may reveal his or her disability. The only way one can temporarily cure ADD is to drink Red Bull, whose side effects may include symptoms of ADHD.

ADD sucks.

"The quadrant of a multilinear and symbiotic pseudo-intelligence is in theory the root of the endoplasmic phenomenon."
After hearing this, the boy with ADD curls into a fetal position.
"Jimmy? Are you all right?"

👍95 👎115

ADD - meme gif

ADD meme gif

ADD - video

ADD - what is it?

An actual disease that some people actually have. It has become more and more popular as an adjective for when a person gets distracted or bored.

"Woah, I just got ADD"
"Yeah, I'm so ADD right now"
"... Die."

👍121 👎135

What does "ADD" mean?

ADD stands for Attention Deficit Disorder. It is characterized by having difficulty focusing on one specific task. Instead, the afflicted is paying attention to multiple activities as opposed to one.
(For more information, go to: or

Billy can't focus on the teacher's lecture, and is instead watching the clouds, listening to the girl next to him blow bubbles with her gum, and imagining the sky purple. This is because he has ADD.

👍57 👎35

ADD - what does it mean?

ADD is a disorder that only 10% of people are diagnosed with. The rest of the people just say they have it to be funny. If everyone has add then why is more then half the population bitchin about all the people that are diagnosed with it? by the way, did you know that it just so happens that when a kid with add takes ritalin it slows him down when on the other hand when a kid w/o add takes it they get hyper like they're on speed. But that must be a coincidence.

Kid w/o add trying to be funny and cool: Kids with add only have it becuase their parents can't their kid is retarded. im only saying this because it makes me feel like a bigger amn when i make fun of people. Im gonna go wack of to my mirror and wish that i had a life

👍313 👎251

ADD - meaning

Contrary to popular belief, it is not just a lame excuse for misbehaving children. While it is sometimes labeled as so by people who don't know what they are talking about, it is an actual disorder that has more effects besides misbehavior, including difficulty concentrating and restlessness, and should not be discounted amongst cynics with nothing better to do than whine on the internet.

I am a 16-year-old with ADHD that really does have difficulty concentrating who takes medication that does actually help, and is not called ritilin.

👍829 👎509

ADD - definition

To sum two or more numbers

When you add 4 and 5 you get 9

👍1207 👎743

ADD - slang

makes homework impossible due to high distractions and racing thoughts .. it took me 30 minutes to write this definition due to thinking about sex , dragons , and hot female singers

teacher : have you done your homework ?

me : sorry ADD took it's toll last night

👍85 👎31


A disease every kid these days claims they have.

I have ADD. Me too. Me 3. Me 4. Fuck you.

👍2327 👎1181


A legitimate mental disability often viewed as a made up excuse for poor performance in school (which it frequently is.) It is natural for children to display signs of ADD, this does not however mean they are afflicted. It means they are normal, well-balanced human beings. Symptoms generally fade in the early teens; if by 15 an individual's condition persists or worsens, they may (but not always) be justly diagnosed. However, for those who genuinely suffer, the clarity of mind the medication can provide is priceless and worth irritating fakers who discredit the illness.
This is not a sign of stupidity; in fact, ADD frequently affects those with above average IQ's, such as Ivy League students, and many renowned geniuses throughout history. Though the occasional genuine moron and/or average thinker will fall victim.
A test of whether or not the condition is actual could be if the individual in question has difficulty focusing on the activities they enjoy as well as activities they dislike.

While his fellow students have learned to concentrate on assignments, Alex remains unable to focus on the simplest task.

👍1371 👎631


A mental disorder affecting many Americans. Symptoms include: becoming easily distracted, problems keeping focus in conversations, blurting out, frequent careless mistakes, avoiding tasks that require sustained mental effort (homework, studying, etc), giving effortless and undivided attention to topics the subject enjoys.

Many critics to the ADD diagnosis say patients are lazy, dumb, bored, and helpless. These people are idiots that fail to realized diversity in our population. They believe that because they can concentrate on tasks that need to be accomplished, everyone else can/should too. They say that people with ADD are lazy and no one likes doing boring daily tasks. They are right in that no one likes doing them, they are wrong in that some people simply can not focus enough to do so.

Everyone has problems. Whether it be mental, physical, etc. Saying a person with ADD is looking for an excuse is like saying a person with an handicap only has one for the sweet parking spot. I will admit, many people take ADD medication for the 'high' they receive, and this is wrong. But MANY drugs are abused, and people that truely have ADD shouldn't be punished. More understanding should be given to people that have been DIAGNOSED with ADD.

Ahhhhh crap, I really have ADD and can't focus on a day-to-day basis without my medicine. I have good days and bad days, but with my medicine I have continued focus. Thank you to whoever created this medicine that allows me to function on a 'normal' level daily.

👍509 👎149