Definder - what does the word mean?

What is A-time?

When somebody does something extraordinarily well; someone being "in the zone"

" Did you see how many points Devin Booker dropped tonight?" "Yeah he was on timing."

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A-time - meme gif

A-time meme gif

A-time - video


A-time - what is it?

When it's time to do something, you can use it in various contexts.

When it's 4:20
"It's time (to smoke)"
When you bored at school
"It's time (to quit)"
When you are hungry as fuck.
"It's time (to eat)"

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What does "A-time" mean?

That one thing that solo wing pixy says right before he launches the V2 cluster nuke with the intent of nuking the world to destroy all national borders. Also something you can say when someone pisses you off and you wish to cause pain, suffering, loss and death to them regardless of collateral damage.

Landlord: β€œDude, you rent is 3 months overdue. I’m kicking you out”
Me: β€œIT’S TIME”
*Nuke warnings blare outside*
Landlord: β€œWhat the fu-”
*nine thermonuclear warheads touch down within a 500km radius, rendering all life nearby instantly aliven’t*

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A-time - what does it mean?

From a nonlinear, non-subjective viewpoint it's more of a big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff.

The TARDIS travels through time and relative dimension in space.

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A-time - meaning

An infinite resource which, despite its limitless reserves, few of us ever seem to have enough of.


There is nothing before me, and nothing behind.
I have nothing to lose, but yet nothing to find.

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A-time - definition

What we waste spending time on here looking up random things like Britney spears, and the definition of homosexuality.

Just look at the clock and see what time it is Johnny.

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A-time - slang

It means something that will happen very quickly, or very soon;
in short time or instantly.

"In no time
I'll be forgetting all about you"
Ariana Grande ft. Iggy Azalea - Problem

-Where you going?
-Don't worry, I'll be back in no time.

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People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpiont - its more like a big ball of . . . wibbly wobbly . . . time-y wimey . . . stuff.

Time and Relative Dimension(s) in Space

You should always waste time when you don't have any. Time is not the boss of you. Rule 408.

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Depending on context it can mean what vibe/ the type of energy your on at a given moment

Guy 1: β€œ Right when I came home I grabbed her neck and pushed her up against the wall and she loved that shit”
Guy 2: β€œDamn you were on demon timing my boy”

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The process in which a man and a woman engage in the act of intercourse only in this case, the penis is inserted into the anus hole, causing more pleasure for the male and at first a slight discomfort for the woman if no lubricant is used.

"Yo, A-time?"

"Yo I A-timed that bitchnania"

"Hello it's nice to meet you, you in for some A-time later?"

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