Definder - what does the word mean?

What is 576?

TL;DR- Slang for something as bad as 576(AD), when a plague killed 20% of the world, and the sun was blocked out because of a volcano.

Used to describe something as beyond terrible. As context, the year 576AD is seen by many historians as the worst year in recorded history. This is due to a plague killing 40 million people (around 20% of the global population) and a volcano that blocked out the sun for most of Europe, causing famines on top of the plague. Therefore, this is why using 576AD as a slang term makes sense, as an event devastating to one person is comparable as an event devastating to all of humanity.

Bob: Oh no I have lost my job, Iā€™m about to be evicted, and my house got robbed on top of that.
Jim: Sorry Bob! That is totally 576!

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576 - meme gif

576 meme gif

576 - video

576 - what is it?

A Hungarian videogame magazine.

Did you got the new issue of 576 in the mail today?
'Cause it's being made in Hungary, so I have to wait to get it...

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