Definder - what does the word mean?

What is 5-12?

The numbers of the letters of the alphabet that spell the word "settle" as in "settle down". By saying this to someone, they will stop doing whatever they are doing to figure out what the numbers mean, thus settling down.

Guy 2: 19-5-20-20-12-5
Guy 1: Wait, what? *starts counting*

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5-12 - meme gif

5-12 meme gif

5-12 - video

5-12 - what is it?

Red Axe Festival
A holiday
Created by Hi_Chocolate

12/5 is the best day ever!

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What does "5-12" mean?

Some stupid cunt thought that Marines were always saying "December Five" when they were actually saying "Semper Fi" which is the Marine Corps motto for "Always Faithful" This bitch asked the question on Yahoo so now Marines say "December Five" because it took off and is rather hilarious at how stupid this bitch was.

Shortened version is 12/5.

Marine 1 in a text message: "12/5"

Marine 2 in a text message: "12/5"

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5-12 - what does it mean?

5-12/512 is Latin slang for oxycodone

5-12 es una tema popular q refiere a la oxicodona, un analgesico muy potente.

"Pero en mi cama se volviรณ un vicio como la 5-12" -Jhay Cortez

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