Definder - what does the word mean?

What is 3.14159265358979323?

a very long version for pi. of course there are an infinite amount of digits in pi, but most people use 3.14.

'3.14159265358979323 times 20 is the circumfirence of that circle!' said the maths teacher
how am i supposed to times 3.14159265358979323 with the diameter of the circle!

👍33 👎19

3.14159265358979323 - meme gif

3.14159265358979323 meme gif

3.14159265358979323 - video


3.14159265358979323 - what is it?



👍25 👎13

What does "3.14159265358979323" mean?

the thing you use in math to calculate area and perimeter of a circle
not to be confused with the word "pie" eg. apple pie

3.14159265358979323 r squared is the formula for area of a sphere

👍61 👎19